Training tips
Go get it game!
Playing this simple game can help with so many situations. My favourite is getting a dog to be comfortable going out onto wet grass!
Lead manners
Loose lead walking sounds easy right? It is one of the most common reasons people get in touch with us though! More and more people are struggling with loose lead walking!
Teaching calm
Did you know that we can change a dog’s behaviour sometimes by saying nothing? No cues, no food reward, no punishment.
Dogs & trauma
We had a conversation recently with someone who’s dog (let’s call her Lady) has been through a traumatic experience and how they should manage the situation. It was a very important conversation to have and one that we feel should be shared.
Separation anxiety
We had a question from Steph who wanted to know more about separation anxiety.
Leash aggression/reactivity
We had a follower question from Ellie who wanted my take on leash aggression/reactivity.
How many lessons will I need?
This is one of the first questions that 99.9% of people ask when they enquire about dog training, that and ‘How much does it cost?’
So, you’ve adopted a rescue dog!
As a foster carer of greyhounds and someone who has adopted two retired greyhounds, we are very experienced in settling new dogs into our home. We’ve had dogs who walked straight in like they just knew what was expected, to those that were so timid and shy they wouldn’t come within 5 metres of us. We’ve had high strung dogs, scared dogs and bouncy dogs. But with each one we have learned something new but how we help them relax in has remained consistent. This article will give you tips on how to transition a new dog into your home.
Greyhounds - sleep aggression or resource guarding?
This article explains sleep aggression, its causes and ways to fix it. But first things first, we have to know if it is actually sleep aggression or is it resource guarding?
Place training
Anyone who has trained with us at Fellowship of the Paws will know I talk about place training A LOT! Why? Because I love it and see all the benefits of this one skill. Before we look at a few of my favourite benefits, let me explain what place training is.
Crate training
But the one thing I’ve noticed in some of these groups is how against crate training people are, especially greyhound owners. There seems to be a lot of emotion around it where people believe it is cruel to put a dog in a crate, especially a greyhound. They feel that greyhounds have spent enough time ‘confined’ to kennels while in their racing career and don’t want to ‘remind them of their horrible past life’.
I need help training my do, but I don’t have time!
As a dog trainer, I hear this a lot! “Between the kids and work, I can’t find time to do formal training with my dog!”
My dog isn’t food motivated
Do you have a dog that isn’t motivated by food during a training session? A dog that would prefer sniffing the ground than taking food treats from you? What would you say if I told you I can help your dog become food motivated with two simple changes?